We are coming!
The first high heels that will literally take care of you.

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Time to innovate

From 1700 almost the same techniques. The shoe industry has never had the need to innovate, at least for high-heeled shoes, until today. We are collecting the most interactive and well equipped team to build the highest technology for the best traditional LUXURY SHOES. A new concept for smart shoes. An AI algorithm will calculate the best shape for your foot. No more pain wearing high heels.

The next revolution, after smartphones and smartwhatches!

We know what you need

Free App

To scan for the perfect size of your foot. Just click and buy the best tailor-made experience you have ever imagined.

The best Italian artisans

A selected network of artisans with years of experince will personally take care of your shoes. Your shoes will be really unique.


You will love your shoes, and you will start to talk with them...

This is our mission.

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